Coelho C.A.S., 2010:
"A new hybrid precipitation
seasonal forecasting system for South America."
XVI Brazilian congress of meteorology.

Coelho C.A.S. and S.M.S. Costa, 2010:
"Challenges for integrating seasonal climate
forecasts in user applications. Current Opinions in Environmental Sustainability
(in press)"

Lowe R., T.C. Bailey, D.B. Stephenson, R.J. Graham,
C.A.S Coelho, M. Sa Carvalho and C. Barcellos, 2010:
"Spatio-temporal modelling of climate-sensitive disease risk: Towards an
early warning system for dengue in Brazil. Computers & Geosciences."

Balmaseda M.A., Y. Fujii, O. Alves, T. Lee, M. Rienecker, T. Rosati, D. Stammer,
Y. Xue, H. Freeland, M. J. McPhaden, L. Goddard and C.A.S. Coelho, 2009:
"Role of the ocean
observing system in an end-to-end seasonal forecasting system."
OceanObs'09 Conference.

Coelho C.A.S., 2009:
"Hybrid precipitation
seasonal forecasts for South America."
9th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography.

Costa S.M.S. and C.A.S. Coelho, 2009:
"Crop yield predictions using
seasonal climate forecasts."
Third international symposium of climatology.

Balbino H.T., L.T.G. Fortes, E.G.P. Parente, 2009:
"Avaliacao do uso do modelo
climatico global do Centro Europeu para antecipar a estimativa do risco
associado a epidemias da ferrugem Asiatica da soja."
Third international symposium of climatology.

Coelho C.A.S., 2008:
Initiative for improving South American seasonal forecasts."
XV Brazilian congress of meteorology.

Coelho C.A.S., D.B. Stephenson, F.J. Doblas-Reyes,
M. Balmaseda and R. Graham, 2007:
"Integrated seasonal climate forecasts for South America."
CLIVAR Exchanges. No.43. Vol. 12, No. 4, 13-19..